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Re: x-editor or not

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 08:49:29PM +0100, Nikolai Prokoschenko wrote:
> Is there any way to teach mutt to use gvim on localhost display and vim in
> the remote session without fiddling with the EDITOR environment variable?

I do have a line[1] in my muttrc to load the configuration depending on
the system I am. Doing that you only need a file per host. 

If you have two systems, "workssh" and "houselocal", your local-workssh
can tell mutt to use vim[2] and local-houselocal to use gvim[3].

   [1] source `echo ~/.mutt/local-$HOSTNAME`
   [2] set editor="/usr/bin/vim +10"
   [3] set editor="/usr/bin/gvim -f +10"

Hope this helps,

 .''`.   Javier Linares
: :'  :  javier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
`. `'`   http://javierlinares.com  

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