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Re: thread tree in the index menu

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Wilkinson, Alex wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can someone tell me why my thread tree in the index menu looks like:
>  wqwqwq>Re: fix for libpthread
>       3 N   03/03 Matt            (4.5K) x x x mq>
> It used to look something:
>  ----->
>   |------>
>       |---->
> It's weird because I can't remember changing any configuration for my
> threa tree in the index.

Your terminal isn't recognizing the standard VT100 shift-in/shift-out
sequences - perhaps you changed terminal emulators to one that doesn't
implement it, e.g., Linux console, or are using one that breaks this
feature, e.g., to "persuade" you to use a different method for drawing
lines in a UTF-8 locale.

Thomas E. Dickey