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Re: Calendar

* [2004-03-04 11:27:06 +0100], Stein Boerge Sylvarnes 
<Stein.Sylvarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> muttered:

> Sorry if you get this twice Paul.

Its all good :)

> Check out remind.                                                             
> http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind/                                
> http://linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3529                                  

I gave it a quick look, it looks like a fairly good idea but at the end
of the day its a replacement for the standard unix "calendar" program.
What I want is actually what Sked promised, only working :)

To me, every UI has its set of programs. win32 has all the programs
under the sun, as does gtk and qt and even web-based programs are making
thier appearance, but I dont want to be out of town or whatever and use
a web-browser to do everything. I like to run screen with mutt and irssi
and use vim ect ect in my daily life, and right now im finding I cant do
everything I need to do on a computer in my little screen session, some
of its impossible (ut2k4 demo just wont fit... ;) but I _know_ its
possible to have a curses based calendar application, and I know its
possible to make it really really good like vim like mutt like slrn, and
sorda interconnect them all. But at the end of the day, I can either
take a stab at it in scripting language and do a really bad job (like
Sked, it dosnt even work!) or I can sit on the fence and encourage
somebody else to do it.

\ \-----------------------------]
| Paul Foote <paul@xxxxxxxxxxx> |
| MOB: +61431119996             |
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