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Muttrc and the source command

Currently having a bit of an issue with Mutt.  I just moved to Mutt
1.5.6i on FreeBSD (was running Debian Linux), and suddenly the 'source'
command in my .muttrc that sources the output of a script doesn't work.
All the other source commands in that file work (all others don't try to
source the output of a script).

Here's the source command:
source "~/.muttrc.mailinglists|"

Here's the error I get:
Error in /home/dave/.muttrc, line 94: /home/dave/.muttrc.mailinglists|: stat: 
No such file or directory
source: errors in /home/dave/.muttrc

Now, according to the mutt manual:
    If the filename ends with a vertical bar (|), then filename is
    considered to be an executable program from which to read input (eg.
    source ~bin/myscript|/).

However, that's not working.  Has that functionality recently been
changed?  Anyone have any ideas (related to Mutt)?  If not, I'll take
this over to the freebsd-questions list.

dave [ please don't CC me ]