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Re: Special need of key rebinding

>     Hi Dave :)

Hi, Raúl :-)

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 06:50:17PM EST, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado wrote:
>  * David Yitzchak Cohen <lists+mutt_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:

> > Perhaps a tad off-topic is the ignore_list_reply_to variable, which
> > is extremely useful in lists that _do_ mangle the Reply-To header.
>     I've thought about it, but I don't think it solves my problem
> (which is to remember to hit 'l' instead of 'r' at the appropriate
> times ;)).

Yup, it's a bit off-topic, but if you use it, then you'll always be able
to reply directly to an email's author, without having to copy/paste his
address manually (or to remove the list address from your group-reply
automatically).  In other words, it helps give an immediate incentive
to want to treat group-reply and list-reply differently.

BTW - I wonder whether this works:
macro index r "<list-reply><group-reply>"

If the group-reply is eaten up on successful list-reply, that'll actually
give you your desired behavior, namely list-replying if there's a list,
or group-replying otherwise.

> > If you get used to asking yourself before every reply, "Do I
> > want to followup to the list, or reply directly to the author?" you'll
> > find that you naturally use the list-reply and reply functions at
> > the appropriate times ... which may prompt you to change your original
> > request, to remap 'r' to list-reply in the index view.
>     I must confess that I know I should use the list-reply and
> group-reply appropriately. Obviously there are two (well, three)
> options for replying for good reasons. It's just that I'm accostumed
> to reply to all my mail using group-reply and have the mail going to
> the appropriate people. With the list I'm talking about and the users
> I'm talking about, this lead to duplicates :(

Yeah, it's an old habit (which I also had, coming from ELM - some of my
posts a couple of years ago when I first switched to Mutt (back when I was
dave@xxxxxxx - before the entire .TJ TLD vanished) will clearly indicate
that I disliked the group-reply/list-reply separation), but if you think
about it for a second, it makes sense: there's no such thing as "replying"
to a list; when you're posting a followup to another message on a list,
you're posting a new message in the thread.  (Think of a newsgroup,
or a web-based forum.)  Mutt decided to call this action the list-reply.
Now, if you want to post a followup to a message you're looking at, you'll
want to use the list-reply function; if you want to reply directly to the
author, you'll want to use the reply function.  The group-reply function
should really only be used for ad-hoc lists (where there are a bunch of
guys in the "To:" header of the mail you received, and you want them all
to see your followup - again, reply isn't really an appropriate term).
It just so happens that group-reply does something fairly close to The
Right Thing (TM) for most common cases, but it really shouldn't be used
very often at all by most people these days, now that ad-hoc lists aren't
too common.  What it all boils down to is: You'll do yourself a favor
if you can get out of the group-reply habit very soon.

> > If you're used to doing stuff from the index menu, you can simply
> > disable 'r' entirely in the index menu to get around the problem
> > ... I think it's always good to take a look at a message before
> > replying to it, just as a sanity check.)
>     That's another solution I've thought of. I use to reply mail from
> the index only when I've already read and deleted all mail I didn't
> want to reply or save, so I'm at the index with pending mail left,
> and I reply directly. But I'm starting to like the solution a lot. If
> I cannot reply from the index, I can use message-hooks and the like ;)
>     I'll give it a try :)

Here's what I have in my ~/.mutt/keymaprc.qwerty:
message-hook . 'bind pager r reply'
message-hook ~l 'macro pager r "<enter-command>bind pager r reply"'

> > BTW - If you're curious about how exactly I accomplish this, that,
> > or the next thing, my entire configuration is online:
> > http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/mutt/muttdir/
>     I've read it, crawling in your webpage ;) FYI, I'm Debian
> GNU/Linux, I suppose I don't take enough showers XDDDD (I don't even
> remember my answers...)

oh, the quizes ... LOL 8-)

>     Thanks for the idea of disabling replying from the index :)

NP :-)

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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