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Re: your subject-less mail

On Mon Feb 23, 2004 at 04:02:44PM -0600, David Champion wrote:
> > > 
> > > It means you're contradicting yourself.
> > 
> > How do you figure?
> That's what the rest of the message explained.

Okay, as I continue to watch this I feel that I must say something (feel free
to 'tab' on by).  Basically, David Yitzchak Cohen has done nothing wrong.
Sure he might have had a few extra X-headers that some might have felt were
annoying, but he actually removed them for you all.  Good for him.  It seems
this last little bit just keeps rolling out, and if you both remember it
started with a discussion surrounding the X-Message-Flag.  Personally, I have
nothing against this particular header, and find it playful on the mutt-users
list.  I would just like to point out one thing:

The only reason you were even seeing those headers is because Dave is
constantly posting to the list and answering questions for others.  He helps
a tremendous amount of people, and this weight is worth more than simple line
of text that can easily be hidden.

The battle of the Dave's,.. has this gone far enough?

jacob[at]buildtheb0x.com | 56DE 6C58 C961 BE57 4F1F  EA67 E7E1 BFDF 2106 0288
I like girls who wear Abercrombie & Fitch... I just wish they liked me.

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