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Re: Strange indicator corruption problem ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ���� (was: Re: Strange indicator corruption problem)

* David Yitzchak Cohen <lists+mutt_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-02-15 01:50]:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 08:23:44PM EST, Nathan Howell wrote:

> > using rxvt-unicode as my terminal.

> not cool!  The Linux VT works great :-)

The same problem occurred in xterm -u8 and at the linux console. Are there
any other options?

> > When I move the bar up the list, it corrupts various characters. The
> > end of the bar moves down to the beginning of the next line, and
> > characters at the end of the subject for the current message and the
> > number for the next message get erased or replaced with other
> > characters.

> It has to do with the fact that the tree-drawing characters are two-byte
> chars.  You'll want to make sure you've compiled Mutt with ncursesw
> (that is, ncurses compiled for wide characters - read the README for
> detailed instructions), for starters.

Yeah, that occurred to me not long after sending my original message. My
mutt was compiled with slang. I've now recompiled ncurses with widec and
then built mutt with that and it works fine. Why wouldn't slang handle
this? I can't find a similar configure option or anything.

Now if the gentoo devs would make ncurses handle this more gracefully...

> > This only happens when viewing threads,

> I'll bet it also happens if you try viewing this message subject, even
> without threading :-)

Yes, it does/did.

> BTW - There are bound to be many other reasons I don't even know
> about, since my own Mutt setup sometimes gives me funky messes.  I do
> know about some bugs in GNU Screen, though, that cause some of the
> interesting behavior (since it doesn't occur under only 2 nested
> screens, for instance).  In your case, though, I assume you're not
> using screen under your rxvt, so screen bugs are probably a non-issue
> for you. . .

I am using screen, but the problem was visible whether I'm in screen or
not. Now that the main problem is solved, I'm noticing some smaller
issues with minor corruption in mutt when switching windows while a
message with multi-byte characters in the subject is selected. It's also
happening with scrolling through multiple screens of messages, and after
returning from vim after editing. Some quick testing with uxterm seems
to indicate that the fault lies with rxvt-unicode. (although I'm only
seeing problems in mutt, not vim or anything else so far) Sigh. I just
got used to nice xft fonts in my terminals...
