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Re: screen redraw trouble

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 11:13:08AM EST, Paul Miller wrote:

> Because of something I saw on bugtraq on around tuseday of
> this week, I moved from mutt 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2i.  

I follow the CVS branch of 1.5.x, FWIW.  One of the reasons I switched
was screen non-clearing funkiness.  (I run my Mutt inside 3 nested
GNU Screen(1)s - screenshots (taken from twin within X - actual use
is strictly on the Linux console and SSH from PuTTY) available [1].)
As should be fairly obvious, most of the development work is done on the
1.5.x branch, and in almost all areas, I find it far more stable than
the 1.4.x branch, by now.  As I'll note below, though, not all funniness
is gone, but very much of it is, and most of the rest probably has to
do with my 3 nested screens.

> When I exit vim and get back to the message list,

When you exit VIM, you get back to the message list?  ...not the
compose menu?

> various
> ASCII artifacts are left over from vim -- forcing me to hit
> ^L to fix it.  I tested, and I only expereince the problem
> while in a screen session.

I sometimes get artifacts left over from elvis, but rarely.

> I did not have this problem on 1.4.1 and would simply move
> back, if it wasn't for the overflow issues.

I'm guessing probably tried halfheartedly to backport some of
the new curses stuff from the 1.5.x branch ;-P

You can either find the actual patch that fixed the overflow issues
and apply it to your 1.4.1, or you may want to try the 1.5.x branch
(currently at 1.5.6i, with some reasonably important fixes in CVS since
then - you should probably be using CVS, anyway) ... or you can teach
VIM to clear the screen on exit, of course ;-)

> Has anyone else seen this behavior?  What other info is
> needed to better describe the problem?

Well, if you can come up with a theory that explains when the problem
occurs and when it doesn't (within screen - don't worry about outside
of it), it's not overly complex looking at the code and figuring out
whether or not the theory makes sense.  (If you don't feel like doing it,
use flea(1) to ask somebody else to do the gruntwork.)

> As a work around, I intend to teach vim to clear the screen
> on exit, but haven't gotten around to it.

This is an easy alternative:
#File: ~/bin/vim
/path/to/the/real/vim $*

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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