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Not-So-Neat WU-IMAPd Workaround (was: Re: Neat WU-IMAPd Workaround :-))

On Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 09:12:27PM EST, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> As y'all know, getting _everything_ to work properly with WU-IMAPd isn't
> possible, AFAIK.  At least one of the following requirements will fail:
> 1) You need to have spoolfile point to the inbox.
> 2) You need to have =INBOX (or some other nice version, rather than the full
>  IMAP URL) displayed when you're viewing the inbox.
> 3) You need to have =folder (or some other nice version) displayed when you're
>  viewing another folder.
> 4) You need to be able to type '?' after hitting 'c' and get a list of IMAP
>  mailboxes (not a list of files in your home directory).

Well, apparently, I took #5 for granted.  Unfortunately, that doesn't
quite work with my newfangled setup ... beats me why. . .

5) IMAPd must recognize that you're viewing the inbox, and move everything
from /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME in when new mail arrives :-)

After getting absolutely no mail (not even my several hundred daily
SPAM messages that aren't cought by my filter) for a couple of days,
I started getting a tad worried.  As it turns out, procmail was happily
delivering my mail to /var/spool/mail/dave, but imapd never realized I was
trying to access my inbox when I went to imap://mail.dave.tj/Mail/INBOX,
so it didn't bother to move my new mail into there from the spool.
Changing to the imap://mail.dave.tj/INBOX folder (which is exactly the
same, by symlink), I suddenly get a huge flood of messages from the past
couple of days.  In other words, AFAIK, you still can't have it all with
UW-IMAPd :-(

 - Dave

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