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Lists and Subscribe commands, what part of address do they look in?

I have a problem with the lists and subscribe commands, what part of
the address do they search for a matching string?  Is it only the part
before the @ sign, it's not clear from the documentation.

I generate my 'lists' and 'subscribe' lines automatically in my muttrc
file by having a specific .mutt/lists file containing aliases for the
lists I'm subsribed to.  A simple awk command in my muttrc extracts a
list of list names for the 'lists' and 'subscribe' commands.  I also
use procmail to route the list mail to individual mailboxes which have
the same names as the list aliases.

The problem is one list which doesn't have anything remotely related
to the name of the list in the part of the address to the left of the
@ sign.  Its address is main@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I have an alias for
the list called 'alug', however the lists and subscribe commands don't
recognise 'alug' as a list.

I can't really add 'main' to the lists and subscribe commands in
muttrc as that could potentially collect all sorts of rubbish. Can on
specify the whole list address in 'lists' and 'subscribe' as that
would be an option.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)