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Re: Changing Headers in the Compose screen

Re: David Yitzchak Cohen in <20040119194127.GW16674@xxxxxxx>
> > Changing the From: header in the compose menu is easy:
> I never noticed the edit-from function ... live and learn :-)

To be honest, I had to look it up in the mutt help, I only knew that
something like <esc>f works. Personally, I'm using vim macros to change
the header.

> > > #!/bin/sh
> > > file=$1
> > > (
> > >  echo "/From:/s/^.*\$/From: William O'Higgins <addy_I_want@xxxxxxxxxxx>/"
> > >  echo "/Reply-To:/s/^.*\$/Reply-To: William O'Higgins 
> > > <addy_I_want@xxxxxxxxxxx>/
> > > wq"
> > > ) | ed $file
> > 
> > Perl's -i switch is very handy for in-place editing.
> Yeah, I know, but a lot of us treat it as a status symbol that we prefer
> to automate an ed session :-)

You are welcome to use whatever tool you like :-)

Many people are usually annoyed that you can't do "filter < file > file"
and have to use temp files; perl -i can be quite a relief. Using ed
solves the same problem, but I wouldn't stick it with a MAX_INT-feet
pole myself ;-)

> I mean, come on:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -in

-pi (or -i -p), actually.

> s/^From:.*\$/From: William O'Higgins <addy_I_want@xxxxxxxxxxx>/;
> s/^Reply-To:.*\$/Reply-To: William O'Higgins <addy_I_want@xxxxxxxxxxx>/;
> It just doesn't look nearly as cool as my pipeline to ed ;-P

You could have used a 'here' document ;)

>  - Dave [who didn't even think of using perl -i before, to be honest]

Christoph [who only recently wrote his first sed script after years of
perl groking]
Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, http://www.df7cb.de/
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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