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mutt + msmtp + From header


I an a dialup user so I use msmtp for mail delivering.
msmtp want me to put "from me@xxxxxxxxx" in its configuration file.
I have multiple email adresses, each has it's own entry in msmtprc, and I set 
up a keybindig to change MDA:
macro generic "<esc>1" ":set sendmail=\"/usr/local/bin/msmtp -a acc1\""
macro generic "<esc>2" ":set sendmail=\"/usr/local/bin/msmtp -a acc2\""
macro generic "<esc>3" ":set sendmail=\"/usr/local/bin/msmtp -a acc2\""

So putting nothing about From: field in muttrc causing field to become like 
me@mydomain, for example, postfix@xxxxxxxxxxx  (you can see it in ths message :)
And changing MDA (using macro above) changes from: field to me@domain1, 
me@domain2, etc, following the msmtprc account entry.
But i WANT "From:" to be "My name" <me@xxxxxxxxx>, where <me@xxxxxxxxx> is 
dynamicaly choosen according to msmtprc entry.
adding my_hdr From: "The me myself" <me@mydomain> doesn't help because it 
causes me to have similar  <me@mydomain> in from: field for each account entry,
and original from: (from msmtprc) puts to return-path:

So, would anybody mind to say how make this with msmtp or maybe another 
lightweight mail delivery agent.
Thanks a lot.

Anton A. Karpov

"UDC", Russian North-West Certificate Authority

icq:      845923
jabber:   toxa@xxxxxxxxx || toxa@xxxxxxxxxxxx
email(s): toxa@xxxxxxxxx || postfix@xxxxxxxxxxx
www:      http://www.toxahost.org
pgp key:  http://www.toxahost.org/pgp/pubkey.asc

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