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Re: Highlighting mails from myself

On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 02:55:31AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> > 6.3.7.  alternates
> >   
> > Type: regular expression
> > Default: ""
> >       
> > A regexp that allows you to specify alternate addresses where you receive
> > mail.  This affects Mutt's idea about messages from you and addressed to
> > you.
> ...and one more tiny comment: if you've only got one addy, you don't need no 
> stinkin' $alternates ;-/
I've several addresses and your example looks really neat.
> ...and finally, a little example of the contrary, JFF [1]:
> $ cat ~/.mutt/alternatesrc
> set 
> alternates=(dummy@addy|dave@(.+\.)?dave\.tj|dave@(.+\.)?bigfatdave\.com|lists([+].*)?@dave\.tj|lists([+].*)?@bigfatdave\.com|paypal@dave\.tj|paypal@bigfatdave\.com|.+-abuse@dave\.tj|.+-abuse@bigfatdave\.com|bigfatdave@optonline\.net)
> ...autogenerated from the far simpler:
> $ cat /home/dave/.mutt/my_addys
> #me:
> dave@(.+\.)?dave\.tj
> dave@(.+\.)?bigfatdave\.com
> #me for lists:
> lists([+].*)?@dave\.tj
> lists([+].*)?@bigfatdave\.com
> #me by paypal:
> paypal@dave\.tj
> paypal@bigfatdave\.com
> #various QA addys:
> .+-abuse@dave\.tj
> .+-abuse@bigfatdave\.com
> #me on OOL:
> bigfatdave@optonline\.net
> Enjoy,
>  - Dave
Thank you


"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time."
                -- Steven Wright