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Re: Mutt&Procmail recipes ...

Adam --

Sorry for the delay...  I see below that you had problems with mutt and
are using Mozilla, but if you don't use proper threading *and* change the
Subject: line your mail is almost certain to be overlooked :-/

...and then Adam Bogacki said...
% David,
%   thanks for your humorous and helpful reply. I have looked at my

Happy to be there for ya :-)

% procmaillog again and, as far as I can make out, procmail was processing
% mail folder recipes until July 28th. The next date mentioned in sequence
% was September 29, from which time there is no record of it processing

How interesting.

% them. It might be relevant that during that time I changed from
% Mail to $MAILDIR mode and may have changed something inappropriately.

Maybe.  It seems to me more likely that you changed your .forward and no
longer sent mail to procmail.

% I have attached my environmental variables below for comment.
% They are followed in procmail by SpamAssassin stuff, then recipes.

OK.  How do you think you're getting mail to procmail?  Are you sure you

% >3) it's particularly difficult to divine your .procmailrc contents just
% >from the output of procmail, but I bet that you have something like
% >in this case is writing to the msgid cache)
% See below.


% >4) you'd probably get much better answers, and will certainly get much
% >more interest, on the procmail list :-)
% Fair comment, but I don't understand why my efforts to subscribe to it 
% keep failing.

Hmmm...  That certainly would make it more challenging!

% <procmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx> does not seem to be (yet) up, and the
% current University of Aachen host keeps refusing to subscribe me. 

How odd.  That, however, is to whence all of the procmail list messages I
get are sent, so that is probably what is supposed to used.

% <debian-user>
% seems to be having its problems with exploited servers ... which leaves
% <mutt-user>...  :-[    

Well, we're a helpful lot; we'll see what we can do.

% I've attached my environmental variables below.  I'd be grateful for any
% constructive comments.
% [I emailed you last night using mutt but don't know if it arrived. I'm 
% repeating
% it today via mozilla-mail.]

I got this one and didn't notice the other, so it sounds as though it
may not have.  More questions about outgoing mail, although that still
shouldn't have to do with procmail.

% Cheers,
% Adam Bogacki,
% afb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
% >#SHELL=/bin/bash
% >LINEBUF=4096
% >#PATH=/usr/bin
% >PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
% >VERBOSE=yes

If you comment out MAILDIR, ...

% >SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail

... then how will your DEFAULT or LOGFILE or other work?

% >LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/procmaillog

And is this, in fact, where you find your procmail log file?

% >#SED=/bin/sed
% >FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail
% >#LBDBFETCH=/usr/bin/lbdb-fetchaddr
% >#MESSAGE="/usr/local/bin/gmsgp --no_hscrollbar -f -"

OK; nothing scary there.

And so what do you get if you save off this message and run

  cat /path/to/msg | procmail -Ytf-

to filter it?  Does it show up in the log?  Does it land anywhere?

% > 
% >#Nukes duplicate messages
% >:0 Wh: msgid.lock
% >| $FORMAIL -D 8192 .msgid.cache

I thought so :-)


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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