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Re: Maildir question

Sergei --

...and then Sergei Kolobov said...
% (Sorry for replying to an old thread, I am still catching up on my 
% mailing lists)

It happens to all of us :-)

% On 2003-11-17 at 12:01 -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > I *could* have family/dad/ as a maildir with dad-boats/ under that,
% > but it's wrong.  
% Why? The spec does NOT prevent you from doing that - see below.

Hrmmm...  I am inclined to disagree.

% > See
% > 
% >   http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
% > 
% > for the full spec.
% Quoting the last part of the document at the above URL:
%       "Can a maildir contain more than tmp, new, cur?
%       Yes:
%       .qmail: used to do direct deliveries with qmail-local.
%       bulletintime: empty file, used by system-wide bulletin programs.
%       bulletinlock: empty file, used by system-wide bulletin programs.
%       seriallock: empty file, used to serialize AutoTURN."


% I interpret this part of the Maildir spec as to not denying nested
% Maildirs. Re-reading the spec in full confirms that, IMHO.

I don't see that; I see a list of exactly what is allowed in the Maildir,
and anything not listed is not allowed.

Only Dan can really answer authoritatively, though (although he may
have already; I didn't ask on the qmail list), so it's not much worth

% On 2003-11-17 at 14:59 -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then Allister MacLeod said...
% > % anyone point out a good reason why adhering to the "only
% > % {cur,new,tmp}" rule is important?  My favorite would be sort of a
% > 
% > Mostly because that's the spec, and anything outside the spec is
% > undefined.
% Exactly. Undefined does not mean illegal.

But since it isn't within the spec it is not expected to be supported and
so it's just askign for trouble.  OK, so maybe I'll soften my position a
bit to allow "undefined but not specifically prohibited", although I
still stand by *my* interpretation above, but we don't ever want to be
messing around in the undefined territory anyway!

% > % compromise between your scheme, David, and Courier-IMAP's.
% This is what I have:
% =FreeBSD
% =FreeBSD/PRs
% =FreeBSD/ports/tools
% ...
% (all of these are Maildirs)
% Neither Mutt, nor OfflineIMAP (which I use to synchronize my laptop with
% the server) do not have any problems with this setup.

That doesn't make it right :-)

% > That does sound nice, but what if you wanted to have a nested maildir
% > named tmp for all of the mail you had to park for a while, or cur for
% > your discussion of mongrel dogs?  Saying "you can't have those names"
% > isn't fair to the users, who shouldn't have to know about internals.
% It's up to MUAs and servers (IMAP, etc.) to prevent from creating nested
% Maildirs with new,cur,tmp names. Users shouldn't have to know about the
% internals. ;)

Touche, but all the MUA/server could say is "I refuse to allow that name
since it presents a conflict", which to me is worse than saying "you
can't create a Maildir within a Maildir" since the latter is more general
and more uniform.

% My 2 cents.

I call :-)

% Sergei

Thanks & HAND

David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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