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Re: Text telling me which folder is open

Re: Spiro Trikaliotis in <20031122142422.GB28029@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I just noticed (again) that while I can =folder or ! to tell mutt which
> folder I want to change into, it tells me I'm in /var/mail/user or
> =folder when using local access (mutt 1.3.28), or imaps://.../folder when
> using imap (mutt 1.4.1i). Is there a way to tell mutt to use the
> "shortest" possible naming for a folder? I have checked the manual, but
> I don't think any of the options fits to my case (or, I just got to
> tired to recognize it).

In Mutt 1.5 it works, i.e. my status bar shows "Mutt: =IN/lists".

Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, http://www.df7cb.de/
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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