Re: set editor, switching from vim to emacs
At 3:20 PM PST on November 17 Konstantin Kletschke sent off:
> I am investigating emacs as an replacement vor vim in general. Somehow
> vim goes on my nerves, it is generally excellent software, but
> sometimes I am trying new things out, and emacs _is_ a new thing :)
> I had
> set editor="/usr/bin/vim +':set textwidth=72' +':set wrap' +\`awk
> '/^$/ {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s"
> in my muttrc, and I admit, I do not understand the ''` and awk and
> print things. I thought I could replace it with
> set editor = "emacs -nw %s"
> or
> set editor = "emacsclient +%s"
> but I don't get it to jump under the headers to immediately
> start typing message (edit_headers on)...
> So, where is the missing link?
The syntax is (from the info file):
emacsclient {[+LINE[COLUMN]] FILENAME}
where FILENAME is what mutt substitutes %s with.
I'm guessing your number of header lines does not change very much, so you
could approximate what you want with something like
emacs -nw +8 %s
or be more exact and use (untested, stolen from above)
emacsclient +`awk '/^$/ {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s` %s
which means
emacsclient +x %s
where x is the result of the command in backquotes. It counts lines in %s
until it reaches the first blank line (i.e. end of header) and returns the
count + 2. (skips the attribution, I guess.) Yes, the exit condition comes
first. Awk's like that, except when it's not.
> I would appreciate if somebody is there pointing me into right
> direction...
Oh! Well then you want post mode, which does the above and more for you: