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Re: Pipe to Modify a Message

Phil --

...and then Phil!Gregory said...
% * David T-G <davidtg-muttusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-11-16 17:43 -0500]:
% > ...and then Phil!Gregory said...
% > % I'd like to have a macro that removes all spamassassin added things on an
% > 
% > What about setting $editor for such things?  Certainly worth a try.
% I thought about that.  I could change $editor, but it modifies the message
% by creating a new message in the folder and deleting the old one.  Doesn't


% work well if I want to do further things to that message.  (If I'm in my
% spam folder and flag something as ham, I want to put the de-spamassassined
% message in my inbox.)

Well, you simply undelete the message where you are and save the new copy
somewhere else.  More directly, I would use mutt to copy these messages
to my inbox in one swoop and go over there and run the SA clean as my
editor command.

% > It sounds a little familiar, even.  If you haven't checked the archives
% > yet, you should.
% I looked through them and didn't find anything that worked exactly as I
% wanted, though I stole some ideas.  I ended up doing this:

Always a good base :-)

% macro index "H" "<enter-command>unset 
wait_key<enter><pipe-message>mutt_dotlock ~/mail/inbox&&(formail -s 
spamassassin -d|tee -a ~/mail/inbox|sa-learn --ham --no-rebuild --mbox 
-;mutt_dotlock -u ~/mail/inbox)<enter><enter-command>set 
wait_key<enter><delete-message>" "(Re)classify a message as ham"


% Kind of ugly, but it does everything I want, complete with mailbox locking
% ('cause I'm paranoid).  Would be nice if I could use an expando or

Yeah, locking is good.

% something to use $inbox instead of hardcoding it, but my experiments along
% those lines all failed.

Indeed.  Things that are meant to be hooked out use %s and such, but I
can't think of anything that will put the message in some other mailbox.
Looks like you're there.  Thank heavens for pipeline and chains :-)


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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