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Re: If too many addresses in To:

On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 03:06:22AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> In other words, use care and a fair amount of common sense in filling
> your ~/bin directory (just as you would in filling any other binary
> directory - even more so for one that's in your $PATH).  As somebody
> else pointed out off-list, a prerequisite for the above is not letting
> others write to ~/bin, for obvious reasons ;-)

Another solution (though far less powerful) is to leave your .profile
alone (possibly putting PATH=$PATH:~/bin there), and then have
PATH=~/bin:$PATH in your .bashrc (and/or your .bash_login, depending
on which you have configured to call which, if any).  This way, shell
scripts get the standard versions (which may be undesireable, and may
cause yourself a bunch of headaches when shell scripts "magically"
refuse to use your trash-protected rm, or whatever ... which means
you'll probably give your sysadmin a headache, anyway), while interactive
sessions get your own.

Clearly, UNIX gives you more than enough rope to hang yourself, if that's
what you wish to do.  The freedom to commit suicide is a prerequisite
to complete freedom, after all.  Full freedom demands full care, though,
so Buyer Beware (TM) :-)

 - Dave

Windows users have the freedom to commit suicide.  It's the freedom to
want to live that they're missing ;-P

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