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Re: tagline/signature question for Alain

On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 12:52:16PM -0500, Allister MacLeod wrote:
> Hi, I'm not sure whether this is really a mutt question or not.
> Anyway, I was curious, Alain, how do you choose what tagline to put in
> the signature of your message?

I'm not Alain either, but this is what I do:

In ~/.muttrc

set signature="signify|"

And the configuration for signify:

rei $ cat ~/.signify
% ( left, minwidth, repeat
% | left,  minwidth
Marc Wilson
% | left, minwidth, repeat
% | left, minwidth, exec
fortune -s -n 165 | sed "/^$/d;s/       */ /;s/  */ /" | fmt -55 -u
% )

The hackery with sed is to remove extraneous newlines in fortune(6)'s
output and attempt to ensure it fits in three lines.

 Marc Wilson |     Home is the place where, when you have to go there,
 msw@xxxxxxx |     they have to take you in.  -- Robert Frost, "The
             |     Death of the Hired Man"