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Re: accessing filename in .muttrc


thanks for your reply to the mutt-users list re: my question.

I am a bit confused about your reply and was wondering if I
could trouble you to clarify it for me ?

How exactly would the script you mention below be activated ?

How does it fit in with .muttrc or, would I need to use it
with mutt-printing ?

My apologies in advance if you find this question tedious.



On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 01:13:47PM +0100, Mads Laursen wrote:
> How about a script that does something like this:
> umask 0077
> cat > /tmp/printing-mail-$$.tmp
> subject=`cat /tmp/printing-mail-$$.tmp|formail -x Subject:`
> ...
> cat /tmp/printing-mail-$$.tmp | [printing-pipeline] > ~/mail-$subject.ps
> rm /tmp/printing-mail-$$.tmp
> Adjust to include whatever headers you like, possibly check aliases,
> do conditional formating, check for and avoid filename collisions etc.