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Again: Background mail composition

hi everybody!

i'm now using the proposed solution within X11, but not everything works as it 
should (or rather as i would expect), so after trying some hacks that didn't 
work, i decided to post here again. :-)

for the console, i can live with postboning messages at the moment - as i 
did it that way before this thread -, because i hardly use screen. thus, in my 
muttrc i have the following settings now:

# Keyboard definitions
source ~/.mutt/keybind-`if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] ; then echo linux ; \
        else echo default ; fi`

this is because i want to use diffent settings under X11 (which is set as 
default) ...

# Background mail composition
# the following is for use with xterm(1)
macro   index   m       "<pipe-message>$HOME/.mutt/bin/compose mail<enter>"
macro   index   r       "<pipe-message>$HOME/.mutt/bin/reply reply<enter>"
macro   index   L       "<pipe-message>$HOME/.mutt/bin/reply list-reply<enter>"
macro   index   g       "<pipe-message>$HOME/.mutt/bin/reply group-reply<enter>"
macro   index   f       "<pipe-message>$HOME/.mutt/bin/forward 

compose works fine. the settings are (as proposed by andrew sayers):

xterm -fn 9x15 -bg black -fg white -T $TITLE -e mutt '' &

the others where kept like found in the script compose.sh

> xterm -e sh -c "mutt -f \"$BOX\" -e \"exec $1\"; rm -f \"$BOX\"" &
(this is from andrews last posting on this topic.)

~/.mutt/bin/reply and ~/.mutt/bin/forward look the same except for $TITLE.

BOX=$TMPDIR/mutt-${HOSTNAME}-$$ first did not work - until i did manually set 
TMPDIR=/tmp - but i am still having the problem, that a new message is created 
instead of replying to the original message. can you tell me, why?
what i have noticed, is that when replying the "common way", the temporary 
file looks like /tmp/mutt-pablo-2980-126 - what are the last numbers?

finally, when the message i want to reply to is open, mutt doesn't open another 
xterm-window, but replies the normal way (i.e. within the present 
(how) can we change this?

thanks and best regards,

Pablo Hoertner                       | LONG LIVE THE RED PENGUIN AND THE
http://www.redtux.at.tf/contact.html | SOCIALIST WORKERS' WORLD REVOLUTION!

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