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i think my gpg is setup correctly..

hey all,

   i think that i have my gpg setup correctly, and i got the lines for my
.muttrc from : http://codesorcery.net/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto.  i guess i just
want to know if it looks correct :)  actually, i did have a few questions.  i
have seen people including links to there pubkey in headers (which i am
attempting to do) and i have also seen people just post their key num (i
think that is what it is) or fingerprint in their sig (like i did below).
why is this exactly?  is it possibly because they could have multiple keys
out there and they want you to know which to valide against?  i also exported
my key to a keyserver the other day, can anyone verify that out there?  when
i read people's mail that is signed, i almost always says "can't verify" is
that because i don't have their key on my keyring (or that i don't have mutt
configured to auto grab / attempt from a keyserver)?  sorry for the lame
questions but i was just curious, an don't don't mind being smacked around by
you all (and would rather not look stupid posting to multiple lists with out
checking) :P

btw, i sent a similar msg the other day but i included the word 'test' in the
subject so it was forwarded to mod (thought i would wait and see).  so if you
see it come by don't laugh please.

jacob[at]buildtheb0x.com | 56DE 6C58 C961 BE57 4F1F  EA67 E7E1 BFDF 2106 0288
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

Attachment: pgpEZ5F0tuynO.pgp
Description: PGP signature