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coloring with smart default

Having linked mutt with s-lang, I am amazed by the rich
technicolor coming out, and many blocks having different
backgrounds, clearly separating even inner citations,
headers, signatures, etc.

The docs say that 'default' works as transparent if you
set COLORFGBG.  APparently that's for s-lang, as curses
does not change fg/bg scheme without it, and s-lang does --
giving me distinctive lightgray;black which I like.  
And I just love the effect of *no* COLORFGBG with SuSE
coloring scheme -- I get those nice bricks of color marking
sections, while the original text is fg/bg, so you see
cites in bricks amd new text just jumps at you.

What I find interesting is that SuSE scheme has default for
most of the backgrounds.  So s-lang mutt determines its own
bg colors in the absence of COLORFGBG.  Apparently it takes
related colors into account -- until I started coloring some
index entries green if they contain references to me, arrows
for threads were lightgreen, then they became lightyellow.
I love the effect of auto-matching bg colors instead of the
default, and wonder, how can I have more control/knowledge
of it, short of setting COLORFGBG and determining everything

Alexy Khrabrov :: www.setup.org :: Age Quod Agis