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multiple entries in send_charset


After learning that there is such a convinient thing as multiple entries
in send_charset I decided to try it for handling 3 character sets. So

set send_charset="us-ascii:koi8-r"

works perfectly. If email contains only english then us-ascii is used.
Otherwise koi8-r is added.

Now, from time to time I have to write emails in German. And I want to
have "iso-8859-1" as charset for those emails. So I tried 

set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:koi8-r"

But it didn't work. All my emails in German still get charset koi8-r. Do
I miss something in configuration or this kind of setup is not possible?
(I can imagine that russian letters occupy the same position as most of
special letters from western european alphabets)
