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Hello, fellow mutters.

Does anyone here use spamcop or any other service to deal with spam?
I'm using spamassassin to filter the messages (and run a script about
once a week to feed the bayesian filter), and once a day, I enter the
spam folder, tag all new messages (checking if they are actually spam),
and then forward them all to spamcop.
Up to this point, everything is fine. The tedious part starts when I
receive the reply from spamcop. It's a html message with a link for
every message I forwarded. Right now, I use urlview, and open one on one
all of them, using lynx. Then I go cycling all lynx windows, searching
for the submit link. At the end, I close all the windows.
Is there a simpler way to do it? Like something that would open all
links, or even better, open, analyze and submit all forms?
What do you suggest or do to deal with spam?

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: bruno@xxxxxxxxxxx
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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