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Re: Make unread the same as new

On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 09:44:11PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % > the answer is no, as mutt compares acces time and modification time to
> ...
> % Or is it possible for mutt to show the number of unread
> % messages in a mailbox when i do 'c-tab-tab'?
> Nope.  Imagine how long it would take to go through a few hundred
> megabytes of mail folder just to tell you how many messages are in there
> every time you wanted to look at a folder list.

The fact is, many mail clients (if not most) do this.  It /is/ a
desireable feature, and one I too have long wished were implemented in
mutt.  As for reading through hundreds of megabytes of mail, one would
hope that such folders are archive folders, and don't normally receive
new mail.  If this were a configurable option which could be set by a
folder-hook, one need never have mutt read hundreds of megabytes of
mail to determine the newness or unread-ness of a message if one
didn't want to.

There are other reasons not to rely on access times.  For example, if
some system process accesses every file on the system, but does not
take care to reset the atime, mutt will not notice new mail if it was
received before that process runs.  Something on my mail server does
this; it is quite annoying.  It may have been updatedb which I have
disabled recently, but I can't be sure just yet...

Sometimes, slow and reliable /is/ what you want.

Derek D. Martin
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