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Re: New marking for Inbox

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 12:03:05AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> ... Maildirs are not at all prone to this; if it's in the new/ dir then
> it's new, while in the cur/ dir is not.  [You can actually do a little
> fakery with the file names to mark a new/ message as not new based on the
> extensions, but that's still not a timestamp thing.]

Thanks for setting me straight on that one.

- but! -

I think I've discovered why one's inbox would be shown as only
containing "old" messages, while every other box shows new ones
properly.  If you start up mutt _without_ the -y switch, its first
state is to be looking at the index of your inbox.  Once you leave the
inbox, for instance by going to the folder list and then the mailboxes
list, all the "new" messages in your inbox become "old" messages.

So, even though the messages are still unread, the %N flag in the
browser line comes back empty.  If you do it like me, and push
"<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>" at startup, then you may not have
even humanly seen the headers of your inbox before they are marked as

All the more reason to implement flags and/or numeric reports on other
types of messages.  I started a thread about this on the mutt-dev list
a little while ago.  If I can code up a good solution, I will post the
patch there.

Until then, what's the best suggestion for not clobbering the
"new"-ness of the inbox?  Just startup using -y if you like the
mailboxes view?
