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Re: Hi and Hello

On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 02:18:07PM +0200, Ren? Clerc wrote:
> To start:  *please* wrap your lines.  72 characters is a good value to
> wrap lines at.  You will be able how to do this in the editor of your
> choice.

hee, okay cool.  i guess i need to migrate towards vim as well, since most
of the examples that i found were related to it.  and i am not using the
v(i)mproved addition (emerging now ;).  as for now, i had to 

:set wm=62 

to get it to this length (and most said 7-15 would do), so i dunno.
either way, i appreciate the help and please feel free to point out other
similar things to me as well as i begin to add more stuff++ to my .muttrc

this seems like a fun list, i am already learning some of the DO's (and
mainly) DONT's regarding X-Headers and Sigs  :D

quick question:  on active lists, and running with [s(o)rt][(t)hread], how
do you guys keep track of new messages?  i can see how it might be hard to
always track down a new message if it is related to a thread down at the
bottom of the list.  (maybe i need to drop my pack-rat ways and just
delete old messages ;)

thnx again,