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Re: [OT] Re: my_hdr as unknown command rejected

> Neil Watson <mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-10-08 16:04]:

> On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 03:53:13PM +0200, Sander Smeenk wrote:
> >While we're at it, netiquette states signatures may be 4 lines in length
> >and should not exceed 80 characters in width. You should also figure out
> Unless you world for an accounting or legal firm.  Then your signature
> must include a disclaimer paragraph of no less than 10 lines.  A minimum
> of 30% of the disclaimer must be in CAPITALS.

then, I do not care if that mail automagically drops into my spam
folder. ;-)

And for the X-headers: simply ignore them:
    ignore *
    unignore Subject: To: From: Cc: Date:

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