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Re: Can you force word wrap at a given column?

Seth Williamson wrote:
> Is there a way to force mutt to always word wrap at, say, column 72,
> no matter the length of the incoming mail?  Some folks using Other
> Clients don't wrap at all, and at least on my box that means that
> the message line extends all the way to the end of the rxvt window
> before wrapping.  I've tried the various wrap tricks from .muttrc
> but the best I can get is a wrap at the end of the window without a
> broken word, with or without markers.

Have you tried setting wrapmargin?  You could also setup a
display_filter that re-wraps text at a better width for your term

BTW, please don't reply to a thread when you mean to start a new one.

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It's not denial. I'm just very selective about what I accept as
    -- Calvin ("Calvin and Hobbes")

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