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Re: S/MIME in 1.5.4i

On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 02:47:46PM -0500, Dan Boitnott wrote:
> I've just compiled and installed 1.5.4i and everything seems to work
> except S/MIME verification.
> When compiling I configured like this:
> ./configure --prefix=~/custom/mutt-dev --enable-imap --with-ssl
> No complaints during config, compile or install.
> S/MIME signed messages show up signed (with the 's') on the index.
> When I open them mutt reports that it's unable to verify the
> signature.  At first I thought this was a problem with my OpenSSL
> config but if I pipe the message (with '|') to the command:
> openssl smime -verify
> It verifies properly.  Am I missing something in .muttrc?  Thoughts?

Did you follow the instructions in smime-notes.txt? What's the value
of the variables smime_* in your .muttrc? What's the exact error
message you get if you try to verify a message in mutt? 



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