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Re: "New mail to selected sender" macro?

* David T-G <davidtg-muttusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-09-23 06:47:21 -0400]:
> What, aliases aren't good enough for you? ;-)

  Nope, that would require me to come up with aliases for a bunch of
random people all the time, not to mention remember them.  :)

> Rather than try to muck about with it in mutt, let your editor remove the
> header for you.  That is, 
>  set edit_hdrs
>  macro generic ,e "set editor='vim +/^$'" "General editing"
>  macro generic ,m "set editor='vim -c /^In-Reply-To/d -c /^References/d +/^$ 
> ; exec <reply>" "Non-reply replying"

  OK, this works...I did have to make some minor modifications, but the
concept is sound.  I have a feeling that remembering to run the ,e macro
after I'm finished with one of these pseudo-replies may prove to be a
problem.  Thanks for the tips, though...it's got me thinking of ways to
solve some of the other "problems" I'm been contemplating trying to

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