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Re: macro question

Jay --

...and then Jay Moore said...
% I'm currently a pine user, but in the market for a new mailer... I

Glad to hear it (the latter, that is ;-)

By the way, I've seen floating around out there a list of keybindings for
PINE users, which might help your transition.

% think mutt may be the ticket, but I'd like to confirm something:

Happy to help.

% Currently (in pine) about 7 or 8 keystrokes are required for an
% operation I have to perform frequently (pipe, save, expunge). I'm
% pretty lazy, and damn slow so I'm interested in something like
% "Shift-F5" to take care of the whole sequence.


% Is it possible to set something like this up in my .muttrc file (or

You can macro-ify in mutt anything you would type or do.  What you can't
put in a macro is a lot of smarts.

If, for a given message (or messages), your procedure looks something

  pipe through a specific command with no message-dependent args
  save to a specific -- not message-dependent -- folder
  expunge (called "sync" in mutt terms)

then you're in good shape.  If, on the other hand, it's more like

  pipe through command -d todays_date -i message_number ...

then a macro probably won't be able to help you there (but your script
could be rewritten or you could have multiple macros), and if it is in
fact something like

  if ( condition ) pipe this way
    else pipe that way

then you're almost certainly out of luck.

% otherwise)? If so, any pointers to get me started would be greatly
% appreciated.

Have you yet looked at the mutt manual?  There's a section on macros that
would be helpful.  In general, though, all you need to do is

  macro <mutt_scope> keystrokes "command command ..."

where <mutt_scope> is the functional area where you want this to work
(could be "pager" or "index" or whatever or even "general").

% Thanks,
% Jay Moore

HTH & HAND & welcome

David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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