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Re: How to check new mail from all spool folders?

On Sun, Sep 14, 2003 at 09:57:20AM -0300, Jim Diamond wrote:
> I'm running Mutt 1.5.4i, and sometimes "c" works for me, and other

Mutt 1.5.1i-ja.1 (2002-05-02), here.

> mies it doesn't.  Specifically, I only have two mailboxes defined, and
> when I hit "c" (while looking at my "real" inbox), it correctly gives
> me the option of my first mailbox.  After reading the messages in
> that, I type "c" again.  Sometimes it gives me the second mailbox, and
> sometimes it doesn't.  (And yes, there is new mail in the second
> mailbox.)
> Has anyone seen this (apparently) flaky behaviour?  Any ideas?

Yes, this happens often.  It _seems_ to be worse with some mailboxes than
others, but I've never been able to figure out what the problem is.  Sometimes
it works fine without a hitch, and other times they'll be two or three mail
boxes with new mail in the directory, but I can only get to them by pressing
"?".  I have 8 boxes (used to have 10), defined with the following in .muttrc:
"mailboxes ! /var/mail/netb +help +users +i386 +pc98 +fm-ml +mutt_l +dhcp_l".
The distribution to the various mailboxes is done by procmail.

henry nelson