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Re: making mutt play nice with gpg-agent

What version of mutt are you using to test things?  gpg-agent
support is buggy in *all* released versions, but should work in the

On 2003-09-09 12:48:27 -0400, Todd wrote:
> From: Todd <Freedom_Lover@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: mutt-users <mutt-users@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 12:48:27 -0400
> Subject: making mutt play nice with gpg-agent
> Reply-To: Todd <Freedom_Lover@xxxxxxxxx>
> Mail-Followup-To: mutt-users <mutt-users@xxxxxxxx>
> X-Spam-Level: 
> Hi,
> I'm testing out gpg-agent and am having some difficulty getting mutt to
> cooperate (or so I think).  Here's what I'm trying to do and why I'm testing
> gpg-agent instead of just using mutt's caching...
> I have a few macros that I use to clear sign messages which have attachments
> and I'm sending to folks without proper PGP/MIME support.  The macro will
> simply pipe the message body to gpg and then unset the pgp sign flags in
> mutt.  Doing this, I then need to type the passphrase for my key, even
> though I might have just typed it in mutt a minute before.
> Using gpg-agent, I think I should be able to type the passphrase and have
> the agent remember it so that using gpg direct from the command line (or in
> a mutt macro) and using it from within mutt will both use the passphrase
> from the same cache, thus saving me some typing.
> In mutt I have set pgp_use_gpg_agent.  I have set the gpg-agent cache
> timeout to 30 seconds for my tests.  I open a message and sign it, mutt
> prompts for the passphrase as usual.  Then I try using my macro to clear
> sign another message.  Now gpg-agent puts up the pinentry box to enter my
> passphrase, which makes me believe mutt has not used the agent for the
> passphrase, else it would already be remembered.
> Working in the opposite order is similar.  If I use the macro to sign first,
> I get the agent's pinentry prompt and enter the passphrase.  Then if I try
> to sign directly using mutt before the agent's timeout, I still get a prompt
> from mutt for the passphrase.
> I must be missing something obvious, but I can't figure out what that is.
> Anyone have some hints?
> I'm using mutt-1.5.4 and gpg-agent from newpg-0.9.4.
> -- 
> Todd              OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
> ============================================================================
> Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to
> change the locks.
>     -- Doug Larson

Thomas Roessler · Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.