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Re: maildir - is it just me or....

On 2003-09-01 19:39:25, Ken Weingold wrote:
>I converted to maildir.  Is it just me or do maildir mailboxes take up
>a lot more disk space than mbox?  And the mailboxes seem to take

Yes, because the blocksize of your filesystem you will lost some Bytes. 
If You use a seperate partition for your Maildir, use a blocksize of 
1024 Bytes and 3072 Bytes/Inode

>longer to open, at least with over 1000 messages.

On a HP Vectra XA5/200mmx with a Box of 14MByte and 3200 Messges around 
15% longer. 

>Also, where mbox counts the amount of messages, it also shows you the
>percentage as it's opening.  Maildir just shows the amount of messages
>as it's opening.  Any way to also show percentage?

I think no.



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