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Re: [PATCH] $askfrom option

Derek Martin wrote on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 00:16:30 -0500:
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 03:10:13AM +0200, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > Sometimes I need to send an email from a different address than usual.
> This is what send-hook and folder-hook etc. are for.

I'm aware of hooks.  I do use them.  And yet I found a use case for the
attached patch...

Advantages of $askfrom:

* Set everything in one place.  I have a folder-hook for setting
  from=<my university address>, but if I happen to want to compose an
  email to my colleagues while at some other folder, I can set the From
  and the To at the same time.

  This is also consistent with other MUAs, which typically present you
  with From/Reply-To/To/Cc/Subject all at the same time.

* Manual override.  For me, rather than writing a config that examines
  the To/Cc and chooses the right From, it's easier to just specify the
  right From manually and move on.
  For example, I have a separate address (aliased to 'd') that I use
  with friends/family, and it's easier for me to initiate a composition
  by "md<newline>friends_alias<newline><newline>subject<newline>" [1]
  (that's with $askfrom and $askcc set) than to add
  a "send-hook ~Cfriend 'set from="d"'" to my muttrc for each of my
  correspondents (and then debug/maintain that code).

Thanks for the quick response.


[1] to decipher that: 'm' to compose a new message, 'd' at the From
prompt, friends_alias at the To prompt, nothing at the Cc prompt, and
subject at the Subject prompt.

> -- 
> Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
> -=-=-=-=-
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