Re: ARGH! Mutt 1.5. breaks attachments behind my back
On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 09:49:28AM -0700, Michael Elkins wrote:
Actually, this is not quite right. Mutt is making the assumption that
all application/pgp parts are ASCII armored, because Mutt doesn't send
binary PGP messages. Thus, Mutt is performing automatic line-ending
canonicalization just like it would for text/plain. Unfortunately,
the application/pgp MIME type is not standard, and doesn't have any
parameter to indicate whether or not the data is ASCII armored.
Forgot to point out the code. If you absolutely need to send binary
application/pgp messages, look at sendlib.c line 407. You will need to remove
the OR condition from the macro, which will make Mutt not do any LF->CRLF