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GMail labels issues with them

I have been trying to move my day-to-day mail from a GUI(KDE) to mutt. For 
this I use an                                   
IMAP account at GoogleMail.com. There I have several labeled mail for mailing 
list and                                     
such. Those , due to the serverside labeling, won't be shown in the INBOX. But 
want to view those aswell. Changing folders to the labeled ones using           
<change-folder>LABELNAME I discoverd I a problem. My labels have Dots in them 
such as                                      
"debian.devel", "debian.announce" and so on, which are suprisingly changed to   
This results in a failure and I can't view those mails.                         
Here is the full muttrc for further hints, if necessery:                        
,----[~>$ cat ~/.muttrc]                                                        
| set from = "xxtjaxx@xxxxxxxxx"                                                
| set realname = "Andreas Marschke"                                             
| set smtp_url = "smtp://yourusername@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:587/"                      
| set folder = imaps://xxtjaxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                              
| set postponed = "=[Google Mail]/Drafts"                                       
| set spoolfile = "+INBOX"                                                      
| set sendmail = "esmtp -v -X ~/tmp/esmtp.log"                                  
| alias Mailer-Daemonme=xxtjaxx_gmail.comourpass Mailer-
| macro index gi "<change-folder>=INBOX<enter>" "Go to inbox"                   
| macro index gd "<change-folder>=" "Go to inbox"                               
| # Header stuff                                                                
| ignore "Authentication-Results:"                                              
| ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"                                                 
| ignore "DKIM-Signature:"                                                      
| hdr_order Date From To Cc                                                     
| ignore *                                                                      
| unignore from: date subject to cc                                             
| unignore x-mailing-list: posted-to:                                           
| unignore x-mailer:                                                            
| unignore x-label:                                                             
| # For better looks                                                            
| set markers=no # don't put '+' at the beginning of wrapped lines              
| set pager_index_lines= 5 # how large is the index window?                     
| set sort = 'threads'                                                          
| set sort_aux = 'last-date-received'                                           