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fast IMAP trash patch [gmail!]

I'm very fond of the trash folder paradigm.  Mostly my desire to
use this relates to the way Gmail works.  Deleting an item on
Gmail (and Google Apps Premiere, etc) doesn't really delete
the mail, it just removes a label.

The only way to actually delete a message is to move it to the
trash folder and expunge it from there.  Trying to delete
messages using funny macros and things just isn't very
satisfying.  I want the actual trash folder.

I'm happy to say the trash folder patch works great and is
actually installed on Debian-esque systems by default.

However, it doesn't do a very good job with IMAP folders.  It
pulls messages down to the local machine and then uploads them
back up to the trash folder.  It should really use an IMAP COPY
to push all the deleted items in the folder in one quick instant
(no need to download at all, when conditions are just right).

Because of this, I pulled a copy of the 1.5.20 Debian package,
quilted it and wrote the patch attached to this message.  I've
been testing it for a couple days and it seems to work correctly
â IMAP to trash fast copy, with and without local folders and
between IMAP accounts.  It all seems to work correctly â falling
back from imap_fast_trash() to the regular append when it's not
appropriate to use that strategy.

Feedback welcome,


If riding in an airplane is flying, then riding in a boat is swimming.
116 jumps, 48.6 minutes of freefall, 92.9 freefall miles.