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Treeview sort issue with IMAP


I use mutt with IMAP (GMail one), with those particular settings:

  set sort = threads
  set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
  bind index "^" imap-fetch-mail

The treeview is well displayed: more recent threads are on top, and each
thread has a descending date sort.

But if a new mail arrived, it is placed at the bottom of the list: I need
to change the mailbox/delete some mails/restart mutt in order to get them
well organized.

Also note that mails fetched calling imap-fetch-mail directly (the "^"
bind above) are well placed (at the top, in threads, etc.).

An easy way to reproduce it is just to send a mail to yourself and press
"tab" regulary; it should quickly jump to the bottom of the list.

I also think this may be the cause of most crash I expect each daysâ

