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[Mutt] #3364: index_format: subject length miscalculated after subject has changed

#3364: index_format: subject length miscalculated after subject has changed
 Reporter:  dp      |       Owner:  mutt-dev
     Type:  defect  |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  minor   |   Milestone:          
Component:  mutt    |     Version:          
 Keywords:          |  

 if the subject has changed, its length is miscalculated in index view when
 viewing threads.

 I use:
 set index_format=" %4C %Z %4M %s%*   %-20.20n "

 An example:

 The subject of the first email is:[[BR]]
 Subject: aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm nnn[[BR]]
 The subject of the second email is:[[BR]]
 Subject: [ABCDE] aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk lll mmm

 The second email is a reply to the first. The index looks like this:

 ÂÂ1ÂrÂF      aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk  Dennis
 ÂÂ2ÂÂÂF      `->[ABCDE] aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jj  Dennis

 The subject of #1 is proper truncated but the subject of #2 is not.  The
 second subject has to be cut of earlier.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3364>
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The Mutt mail user agent