Re: Corrupt time in From_
Cameron Simpson typed (on Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 07:23:49AM +1100):
| On 10Nov2009 16:06, Jean-Pierre Radley <jpr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
| | | > | From Sun Nov
8 15: 5:33 2009
| | But I'm curious: what had to be modified?
| I'd guess someone had a %2d where they needed a %02d in a sprintf format
| string.
I thought of that but that can't be it. The time string is perfectly
whole in the mail spool file; it's only when mutt displays it that it
gets screwy, and really, the From_ line is spaced and printed just at it
exists in the spool file except for that blanking -- can't imgine that it
sould be parsed and resubjected to printf.