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Re: [Mutt] #1569: pgp_autosign and pgp_autoencrypt only if a key is

#1569: pgp_autosign and pgp_autoencrypt only if a key is available
  Reporter:  Nikolaus@xxxxxxxx  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect             |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  trivial            |   Milestone:          
 Component:  crypto             |     Version:  1.5.4i  
Resolution:                     |    Keywords:          

Comment(by pdmef):

 A workaround for the problem is easy using address groups added in 1.5.12:

 send-hook . 'unset crypt_autoencrypt'
 send-hook '!~G ^~C gpg' 'set crypt_autoencrypt'

 This will select encryption if and only if all recipients are in the group
 "gpg". That group should contain all email addresses from your keyring
 like so:

 group -group gpg -addr user1@... user2@...

 This command should be auto-generated by scripts.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1569#comment:5>
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The Mutt mail user agent