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Re: [Mutt] #976: wish: target line for searching in builtin pager

#976: wish: target line for searching in builtin pager
  Reporter:  grfz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement                   |      Status:  closed  
  Priority:  trivial                       |   Milestone:          
 Component:  mutt                          |     Version:  1.3.23i 
Resolution:  fixed                         |    Keywords:          

Comment(by Gregor Zattler):

 Dear mutt developers, Rocco,
 * Mutt <fleas@xxxxxxxx> [31. May. 2009]:

 While pager_context defaults to "0" I have set it to "1" since I
 want 1 line of context *when paging through text" because I
 remember the last pages content when switching to the next.
 Therefore this patch gives me 1 linie of context for searches
 which is *much* better than no context at all.  Thank you for
 this patch.

 But searching is different to paging in that it jumpes to a
 unknown part of the Text in question.  When searching I did not
 read the last page.
 I think a sane dafault for search context would be 10 lines.
 (With 10 lines of context the search result would be
 approximately in the middle of the screen if using a xterm on a
 640 x 480 pixel display with top and bottom panels).  But 10
 lines of context is too many when paging text.

 Ciao, Gregor

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/976#comment:>
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