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Re: [Mutt] #3218: <space> doesn't cycle through mailboxes

#3218: <space> doesn't cycle through mailboxes
  Reporter:  agriffis  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  major     |   Milestone:          
 Component:  mutt      |     Version:          
Resolution:            |    Keywords:          

Comment(by agriffis):

 Here's the problem, in buffy.c:

 539     count = 0;
 540     while (count < 3)
 541     {
 542       if (mutt_strcmp (s, tmp->path) == 0)
 543         count++;
 544       else if (count && tmp->new)
 545         break;
 546       tmp = tmp->next;
 547       if (!tmp)
 548       {
 549         tmp = Incoming;
 550         count++;
 551       }
 552     }

 Here's some debug output from the mutt_strcmp call:

 mutt_strcmp (s = "imaps://mail.griffis1.net/INBOX.clojure", tmp->path =
 mutt_strcmp (s = "imaps://mail.griffis1.net/INBOX.clojure", tmp->path =
 mutt_strcmp (s = "imaps://mail.griffis1.net/INBOX.clojure", tmp->path =

 So s has been expanded by imap_expand_path() called from
 mutt_expand_path() but
 the mailboxes in the Incoming list haven't.  The reason they haven't is
 that the
 Incoming list was constructed at mutt startup, so the IMAP separator for
 connection hadn't been determined at that time.  In fact, if I rebuild the
 Incoming list (with unmailboxes/mailboxes) after connecting to my imap
 then *presto* everything works as expected.

 I think the best approach is to call mutt_expand_path() again while
 the Incoming list in buffy.c.  That allows the imap path to be expanded
 with the
 correct separator.

 Patch attached.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3218#comment:2>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent