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Re: [Mutt] #3177: mutt wish: send_charset default "us-ascii:utf-8"

#3177: mutt wish: send_charset default "us-ascii:utf-8"
  Reporter:  antonio@xxxxxxxx  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement       |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:          
 Component:  mutt              |     Version:  1.5.19  
Resolution:                    |    Keywords:          

Comment(by vinc17):

 Hmm... I forgot spam filtering. Charset information can be taken into
 account in antispam rules (without having to analyze the body). For
 instance, with iso-8859-1, one is certain that this isn't Russian spam.

 Concerning other uses, different users have different needs. Some users
 may prefer UTF-8, but other users may prefer ISO-8859-1 (e.g. still used
 very much in LaTeX files, at least here in France).

 Let's also mention that emacs 21 is still used by many people (e.g. under
 Debian/stable, and though the next stable version will be released soon,
 not all users will upgrade immediately, for various reasons) and its UTF-8
 support is broken. So, no, ISO-8859-1 is not dead (yet).

 Now, with good tools (such as Mutt), the internal encoding of e-mail
 messages should not matter concerning the behavior. The size of (encoded)
 messages can still matter, even though this isn't really significant in
 most cases. Note that the 1% mentioned above may be something like 10% in
 some cases.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3177#comment:8>
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