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Re: [PATCH] Remove any optional headers

On Tuesday, December 16 at 01:48 PM, quoth Erik Hovland:
Some headers provide no useful symbols to the file that includes it.
This means that the header is optional. And since it is optional, then
removing it saves time (less for cpp to process) and space.

As a guy whose done a little bit of cross-platform coding, sometimes files that provide no useful symbols on one platform are critical on another one. Sure, we can use autoconf to locate all the necessary symbols to ensure that the #include tree is as small as possible on every supported system, but it's usually just easier to include headers that are sometimes necessary and sometimes not.

(that said, I realize it's also easy to get "header-creep" on a heavily modified file, where the symbols a given header provided are no longer used)

Anyway - how certain are you that those headers *never* provide useful symbols?

Faith... must be enforced by reason. [...] When faith becomes blind it dies.
                                                             -- Ghandi

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