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Re: Manual toc depth

On Monday, September  8 at 01:21 PM, quoth Rado S:
=- Kyle Wheeler wrote on Thu  4.Sep'08 at 12:00:00 -0500 -=

E.g. when you want to look up some option's docs you would normally start searching from the beginning and hit it in the toc right away, click the link and get where you want. Without the options being in the toc, you have to skip probably lots of matches. Or search from the end backwards or type the append '#option' to the url... both not really user friendly.

I suppose they key with that would be to make the false-matches
(at least, those that are the real name of an option) have a link
to the real definition. Would that be sufficient?

How about putting a list toc directly behind the toc?

Sure, that would work too, if a "list toc" is what I think it is.

It is a tragic mix-up when the United States spends $500,000 for every enemy soldier killed, and only $53 annually on the victims of poverty.
                                   -- Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

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